-- J: Are we going to Aunt Bonnie's today?
D: No. She isn't even there.
J: But I want to go there, anyway!
D: Why?
J: Because they are cool kids and stuff.
-- David and I were goofing off in the kitchen and Josh came running in and asked me "Is he unresting you?!" (He meant arresting.)
-- Josh and I spent a few days at my Grandparent's house last week. Joshua is so blessed to have so many Great-Grandparents! Grandma and I enjoyed listening to Josh and Grandpa's conversations while they were alone in the kitchen. Grandpa was having a hard time hearing Josh and kept asking him to repeat himself. Josh became exasperated and came back into the living room. He looked at Grandma and said "Him just don't understand me."
-- Me: Beth is going to have baby Finley tomorrow!
Josh: Oh yay! I think I'm gonna go see him!
Me: We aren't going to see him but Aunt Bonnie is up there and she'll see him and send us pictures.
Josh: Why is her there?
Me: Because Aunt Bonnie is Finn's grammy.
Josh: NNoooooo!!!!! She can't be his grammy!
Me: Why not?
Josh: 'Cause her is our Aunt Bonnie!!
(He's since warmed up to the idea but he's ready for Aunt Bonnie to come home.) ;)
-- My Aunt Brenda (We call her Sissy) spoils Joshua like crazy (just like she did me). She brought him some mini M&Ms and he offered one to Grandpa. Only one, mind you. :) Grandpa asked what it was and Josh told him it was an M&M. Grandpa looked at it closely and said "Are you sure it's not just one M? Looks kind of small to me!"
-- Me: Walk quickly, it's raining and we might melt!
J: Why would we melt?
Me: Because I'm made of sugar and sugar melts in the rain.
J: Mom, you won't melt. We're made of bones, not sugar.
-- Grandma and I were talking about how sometimes Josh had trouble listening and doing as he's told. He interrupted our conversation to ask why he didn't always listen well. I jokingly told him it was probably because he was male. He was highly offended and said, "I'm not a mail!! Look at me. I don't have a package on my head or anything!!!" (Again, English is hard!)
-- Josh to David: I bless-youd and a booger came out!
-- Josh spent the weekend at Poppa & Grammy's last weekend. This is a text I got from her while he was there: I was standing in the kitchen and when Josh came in I picked him up. He looked on the counter and said, "Hey, I want that cheese!!" It was post-it notes! (The boy has a cheese obsession.)
-- Joshua and I sat in the car while David ran in to the store to return a movie. Josh said to me, "Let's time him up!" (He wanted to see how long it would take David to get back.)