It's been a month or so since I last blogged. I just haven't felt like it. :) Soooo, I'll try to play catch-up and fill everybody in on the goings-on in the White House since the last post.
The nursery is pretty much complete. The crib and changing table are ready to go, we got a chest of drawers and have it filled with clothes already! We rearranged the room a little to make room for the chest and hopefully a rocker/glider/whatever. My sweet husband used his saturday morning to clean out the closet in the nursery. (I think it went pretty quickly once I was out of his way!) ;) I didn't take an updated picture because we haven't hung pictures or anything else and still have 2 showers to go. I'm sure we'll be doing more rearranging even after Joshua's home.
Speaking of pictures.....Lauren took some wonderful pregnancy photos of me and David a few weekends ago. (You can check them out on my facebook) We were really excited about having them done and will finally have something to hang in the baby's room. Lauren's very creative and an awesome photographer (PLEEEEAASE check out her

We made an impromptu trip up to Yorktown to visit with David's mom, gram and sister a few weeks back. We had a good time (as always!) and enjoyed getting to spend some time with them. On the way back home, we stopped at 7-11 and got a hot dog for dinner. David and I used to do that a lot when we lived in Elizabeth City and thought it was a treat since we don't have any 7-11s here. It wasn't such a treat this time. :( David apparently got a little case of Salmonella. It got pretty ugly pretty fast. It's been 2 weeks and he's just about back to normal again. I'm glad he's feeling better. He never gets sick!! Not even a cold!! I'm sorry he was sick, but I'm glad it wasn't me!
I went to Gasburg for the weekend and spent some time with dad, mom, Robert & Kate. I went there to attend Courtney's wedding shower. She and Zach are getting married May 16th at Nags Head and I want to go SOOOO badly!! (Yes, that is 2 days before our due date) I'm hoping we'll get to go, but since our time is now scheduled by Joshua, we have to do whatever he wants. :) was a nice party and we all had a good time. Lots of laughing (which is good anytime!) Isn't she gorgeous?

In other baby news: We had our 36 week check-up today. (Not fun...but not as bad as I thought) I am 1 cm dialated and 5% effaced. I'm not getting too excited about it....he hasn't dropped and I could be 1 cm right up until my due date! She said she thought we were right on schedule. My BP was good, pulse a little low and everything else was good. They did the strep B test and other tests that we'll get the results of next Monday when we go back. I can't believe we're having weekly visits already!!! These loooong months have flown by!! She did determine that Joshua is head down (they haven't been 100% sure until today!) so we didn't get an ultrasound. :( I want to see him so badly!!! I guess I'll have to wait until he actually gets here; which would be better than an ultrasound anyway! Freida (the midwife I saw today) drew a picture on my belly of how Joshua is sitting. Isn't that funny?! David missed the drawing and so I showed him after we left the office....he laughed really hard. :)

And just for good measure, here's an updated belly pic for the grandmas (and everybody else).