Monday, April 27, 2009

37 week check-up

We had a good visit at the OBGYN this morning. All my cultures from last week were negative so that means no antibiotics when it's time to have the baby. :) I know if it had been positive it wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm glad that's one less thing we'll have to worry about when the time comes. We'll also be able to leave the hospital earlier than if it had been positive.

Everything else is good. BP was good, urine was negative. The only pains I've been having is a feeling like my pelvis is coming apart (which rarely happens...but could). It hurts to even stand up. Carolyn (one of the midwives) said that she had the same pains when she was pregnant and it was normal. I wasn't worried about just hurts! :) I did measure a week behind (36 weeks again this week) and Carolyn said it could be because Joshua has dropped a little. His feet (and boney little butt!!) aren't quite in my ribs like they had been.

I didn't do any crazy cleaning yesterday....but I'm loving my clean kitchen I worked on Saturday night. I also got a few things done in the nursery. Here's a picture of the letters Lauren made for us hanging over the crib. I love them!!

And just for fun, here's an updated picture of the baby birds out in the front yard.

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