Monday, February 16, 2009

So stuffy!

I've got a sinus infection....and it's torture! I'm pretty sure Joshua has gone through a growth spurt because I've been more tired these past few weeks than before. I went back to the doctor today to get medicine for my sinus infection and the midwife listened to Josh's heartbeat again and measured my belly again. His heart rate was 150 (just like it's always been!) and I measured 27 weeks (I'm 27 weeks today!). David kept saying he was going to be a big baby because I measured a week ahead last week. I told him that Josh just went through a growth spurt last month and WON'T be a huge baby! Why would someone wish that on a woman anyway?! :) That's just cruel.

I also gained 1 pound since last Monday. EEK! I've only gained 14 pounds in 27 weeks and I know I'm supposed to gain weight but I'd really like to not go crazy with it. ;) I still have 3 months to go.

David and I played with Joshua last night. It's so fun to poke around on my belly and watch him nudge back. He loves it when his Dad talks to him and David always gets a bigger reaction than I do. We listen to his heart beat with the stethoscope and after a few minutes of this Joshua gets annoyed with us cramping his already limited space and starts kicking the stethoscope (which is LOUD!!). I can hardly wait for him to come out and play! I'm just so ready to see him!

The sweet girls at work are giving us a baby shower this Sunday evening. Mom is coming (and maybe Megan!) and I'm excited about seeing them. Mom and Dad are in Florida for a few days and she's been baby shopping! Joshua officially has more clothes than I do! :) I'm lucky to work with the girls I work with. We're all so different (ages, places in our lives, etc.) and we all get along really well. I love my Hallmark ladies! :)

I'm watching this show called Dogs: 101 and they're talking about Yorkies. They're apparently hypoallergenic b/c they have human like hair instead of regular dog fur. Hhhmm.....and they're just so cute! (But not recommended for families w/young kids....they snap!)

I've got to find motivation to get some housework and homework done. I'm exhausted from not being able to sleep because I can't breathe and am ready for bed right now! Ooooo, and we have clean sheets on the bed tonight! I LOVE clean sheet night!

Ok, Dave's on his way home and I'm going to go finish dinner.

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