-- Joshua colored a palm leaf in his class at church Sunday. He loves it and has carried it around all week. Today, while I was making dinner, he came in with the palm leaf and said "Mom, did you know the people put their palm trees on the ground for Jesus to walk over?!" I said yes and asked if he remembered what the people said as Jesus came by. He didn't so I told him "Hosanna! Hosanna!" He said "Oh yea...Hosamma, Hosamma, here comes Jesus!"
-- While watching Willy Wonka (the original movie...like there's any other version worth watching), Josh said "Santa don't make the candy he brings. Willy Wonka makes it and Santa brings it. Santa makes the toys only."
-- While goading David to wrestle, Josh says to him "You want a piece of steak?!!" (You want a piece of me. Josh thought it was "piece of meat")
-- Joshua and I had lunch with my Uncle Doug a few Sundays ago while Aunt Bonnie and David were off playing at the basketball tournament. We were deciding where to eat lunch and Josh suggested Chick-fil-a. I told him that they were closed on Sundays and he asked "Is it Sunday?"
-- "Mom, you say the blessing.....pinky please??"
-- We took Josh to the MonsterJam a few weeks ago. His favorite monster truck is Grave Digger and he was thrilled to see THE Grave Digger but he was really impressed that there were cars for the trucks to drive over. He was telling Uncle Doug about it at lunch and their conversation went something like this:
Uncle Doug: Was it your car that the trucks drove over?
Josh: No! Not my car.
Uncle Doug: Well, it wasn't my car, either. If it wasn't your car and it wasn't my car, whose car was it?
Josh: Well, when old people die, the monster truck people go get their car and take it to the show and run over it.
-- We've done some geocaching recently and one of the "treasures" we found in a cache was a little toy praying mantis with no head (must be a male mantis...). Josh loves to play with it but can't seem to get the name right. He keeps calling it a "Pocahontas."
-- "Wanna hear a joke? If a monster comes to the pool, they will put him under the water and then put him on the ceiling." (I have no idea what he's talking about but it was his first made up joke and I laughed like a fool.) ;)