Thursday, June 14, 2018

Saturday, August 5, 2017
-- Joshua, Mama, and I took a trip to Washington DC recently and played the licence plate game on the way. Joshua was in charge of looking for plates we hadn't seen yet. He did great with reading the state names but had trouble with Connecticut. He yelled out, "Conticoot!!"
-- While riding the metro in DC, we happened to get on one of the new trains they're rolling out. It was clean and spacious but someone had left their empty cup from Starbucks behind. It had a woman's name written on it and the straw had lipstick on it.
Mama: Joshua, let's look at the cup and see if we can determine if the person that drank it was a woman or a man.
Joshua: Well, it has a girl's name, so it was a woman.
Mama: How else can we tell it was a woman?
Joshua: Hhmmmm, there's a bloody straw...
Mama: What do women use that men don't use that you see?
Joshua: Lipstick!!
-- Joshua bought a stuffed flamingo from the zoo in DC as a souvenir. I asked him what he was going to name it. He decided on Flamont. Flamont the Flamingo.
-- Joshua: Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Me: What does obvious mean?
Joshua: I don't know.
Me: Don't use words you don't know the meaning of. If I say 'The grass is green,' you could say, 'That's obvious.' So what does obvious mean?
Joshua: Duh, we already know that.
Me: You got it.
-- Joshua saw a bin of flip flops for 97 cents each at Wal-mart. As we went by he said, "Oh wow, that's a nice price!"
--Me: Grandmom's surgery was a knee replacement.
Joshua: Replacement?
Me: Yes, they took here old knee out and replaced it with a new one.
Joshua: With WHOSE knee??!!!
-- Joshua correctly used the word "contestants" in a sentence:
David: Where'd you learn that word?
Joshua: Dad, I'm in the THIRD grade!
David: Oh, my bad!

Friday, March 17, 2017
-- After we asked him to stop playing his harmonica: You hate my lovely lullabies!
-- Baby Ray's, comin' your way! (Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce, that is.)
-- Joshua: Why are there beaches where people are naked?
David: I don't know; it's weird, isn't it?
Joshua: Yea! I'm NEVER going there.
(I'm holding him to it. 😉)
-- Dad, you get the light saver and I get the nun chucks. Because I'm especially good at the nun chucks.
-- Tank, lay down! Lay down!! That's sitting; not lay downing!
-- While eating a churro from Havana Dave's: Look at all that sugar! Im gonna get jacked up!
-- I've always wished my Dad was a musician. But Dad can only play the drums a little. Wait, he could play the keyboard....get it? The computer keyboard?!
-- I think my butt has a date with Mom's lap... (Said the week he was sick and wouldn't let me out of his sight.)
-- Joshua: The sun's out!
David: Sun's out, guns out!
Joshua: Guns out?
David: You know what that means?
Joshua: No
David: If the sun is out, *makes fist and flexes his arm*...
Joshua: Arm wrestle!!!
Monday, December 19, 2016
Sunday, October 9, 2016
-- Joshua: Snuggle with me!
Me: No, not tonight.
Joshua: But you haven't snuggled with me in years!
-- I took a bad fall at school and bruised my back and butt. I kicked/tripped over Joshua's stool in the kitchen a few days later.
Me: Ugh!! I'm determined to kill myself this week. It's gonna happen.
Joshua: Noooo! I don't want you to die. You're too young to die!!
-- Ooh! Expanded form...I LOVE this!
-- Joshua had a substitute two days one week. On the way home from school he said, "I hope Mrs L is back tomorrow because I'm over this substitute thing!"
-- We saw a flock of little birds fly over one evening and I wondered out loud where they were going. Joshua piped up, "Maybe they're hibrating. Hibrating? No, hibernating!!"
-- Upon seeing a baby picture of himself:
Joshua: Wow! That must have been a long time ago.
Me: It was! It was 7 years ago. You were 3 months old.
Joshua: Oh man, you've had me for a long time!
-- While reading a book about dinosaurs: Supersaurus wore his shades to school. Yea, he was super....supersaurus!
-- Joshua: Can we watch "Back To the Future"?
David: You sure? It's an old movie. Like 30 years old.
Joshua: Is it in black and white?
-- After finally losing all of his loose teeth and being able to bite a sandwich again:
Oh man, I haven't eaten like this in years!!
-- While playing basketball: Airballs are really hard. I've done it like ten times in one game and won!