I was blessed with having the week between Christmas and New Year's off of work and Josh and I spent the whole week between Great-grandparent's and Poppa & Grammy's. David got most of the week off, too so we had lots of family time. It was a good little vacation.
While we were visiting Poppa & Grammy's, they took Josh (and I tagged along) to the model train display at
Bevell's Hardware in Blackstone, VA. It was amazing! I don't even know how many hours are spent setting up the display every year (yes! They take it down and put it back up the next year!!) Josh loved it! And the adults enjoyed it, too. Here are some photos and a video from our trip.
The drive-in display. There was really a movie playing! |
Baseball game! Josh really liked this one. |
Part of the military scene |
The circus scene. This was one of my favorites (although he could have left the clowns in their boxes) :) |
The display is in a hardware store so after checking out the awesome train display, we looked around and found a bear! (Well, half of a bear). Josh really like the guns and ammo and asked what just about everything was. Luckily by this point I had passed him off to his Grammy and she had to answer all his questions. ;) I was just letting her enjoy his curiosity. No need to keep it all for myself. ha!
Wow, how impressive!