We saw lots of buggies (but no horses) |
Josh really enjoyed looking at the buggies. He asked lots of questions about them and called the one below the "Santa slider". Makes sense to me!
Josh and the "Santa slider" |
There are tons of hills and walking paths. We had a map and made our way over to the farm section of the park. Most of the attractions are closed on Mondays so we didn't get to see a lot of the best parts of Maymont. We didn't have much time so it was fine. We'll have to plan another visit during the week to take a buggy ride or go into Maymont Mansion.
Maymont Mansion |
Racing down the hill. |
Freaky-eyed goat |
Hungry goats |
Goats always make me think of my PaPaw. He had a farm in Ohio with cows, goats, ferrets, etc. We used to feed the animals and play in the barn. We basically had full run of the farm and explored every inch. I have so many good memories of him.
This peacock was NOT in a cage and was freaking me out! I'm not a huge fan of birds (I'm about as afraid of them as I am of clowns) and every time he moved I got the willies. There were also pigeons flying back and forth across the barn so I didn't stay in there very long. ;)
There were some little birds in this net. Josh heard me ask David what that was all about on our way over to it and told me that it was an Indian tent and those were Indian birds and they help the Indians put fires out.
Josh saw a couple from running down one of the trails we crossed over on our way back to the car. He started "racing" them and was worn slam out by the time we got back up to the entrance. We saw three benches sitting under a HUGE tree. Josh assigned seats and then took a break. :)
We had a lot of fun even though it was very hot. We all had red faces when we got back in the car. We hit the road for an impromptu trip to Yorktown to visit David's Mom, sister and Gram. We drove over 400 miles Monday and were exhausted all day Tuesday. We all got a good night's sleep last night and feel rested and raring to go today.