Last Wednesday David traveled to Raleigh for a job interview. We have been wanting to make the move to Raleigh for a few years now. It provides better job opportunities for both of us and would put us closer to family (especially one of our soon to arrive nephews!). David is working on a degree in network security and we made the decision for him to start applying to jobs before he was finished with his degree just to see what would happen. He got a call right away and we were encouraged by that. The interview Wednesday was technically a second interview as he had spoken with the company over the phone a few weeks ago. Josh and I rode over to Raleigh with him so we could goof off while he was interviewing. ;) It also helped distract me because I was SO nervous!
Well, they offered him the job. The pay isn't what we had hoped (is it ever?!) and we were a little discouraged about that initially. My Uncle Doug was kind enough to let us come over and talk it out a bit with him. He is so wise and we value his opinion and advice. He didn't try to sway our decision one way or the other and made reasonable, solid points. After talking with him for a while we felt the "perks" of the job made up the difference and the numbers didn't seem like such a negative as they had at first.
The position comes with a company car, laptop and cell phone. David is able to take the company car home and doesn't have to report to the office every day. Perk: we wouldn't have to buy a second car for him to get to and from the office with.
The company has offered to pay for any training and certifications David will need. Perk: currently this is an expense we have to pay for ourselves (and it's pricey!).
The company offers health insurance and will pay for David's after the 90 day period. Perk: we'll only have to pay for Josh and myself which should save us some money.
Although the offered salary isn't as much as we had hoped it is more than he's making now. Perk: the company has promised a pay raise after 90 days and again after a year.
Now the fun (and scary and overwhelming) part begins. We have to find a place to live, find a job for me, find a new daycare and only have a few weeks to do it. We've lived at our apartment here in Greenville so long that we're on month to month lease so we don't have a contract to break there. And because of the timing we'll have to pay September's rent anyway so we technically have over a month to find a new place in the Raleigh area. If anyone knows of anywhere to rent or possibly buy in Raleigh or Wake Forest please let us know. ;)
It's really a bittersweet feeling. We'll enjoy being closer to family and making new friends but we'll miss our friends here. So many of you have become like family to us. Luckily we'll only be an hour away! That's not so bad, right?
Well, there's still lots to do so I better get back to packing...and house hunting...and job hunting...*sigh*.

Yeah! We're on the north side of town, Falls and 540, so let me know when you all are coming up next time and I can show you around our side of town to see if you're interested in it.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome Lynn! Tell David congrats!