Thanks ladies, for your encouragement. I've decided that from now on whenever CFL (crazy formula lady) asks me if I'm using formula yet I'm going to tell her "No, I've decided to breastfeed my baby. As his mother I know what's best for him. Breastfeeding works for us." I will kindly thank her for her concern and politely tell her to BUTT. OUT. :) She doesn't live in our home, or spend any time with my baby to know him like I do.
Laura: I agree with you; I think every mother should at least try. Women were made to feed their babies! I am an advocate of breastfeeding & encourage others to try it but don't think it's the only option by any means.
Lindsay: I really hope I NEVER, EVER made you feel bad for deciding to give Ayden formula. If so, please forgive me. I can understand your feelings about not liking it. I had such a hard time at first. I've cried lots of tears over this! The pain, frustration, time spent working on it. I have a great support system. And yes, Ayden is growing just fine!! :) If all our babies were the same we'd be so bored!!
Lauren: All that hooplah on Patrice's blog broke my heart. I can't imagine all she goes through in caring for Jonah and wouldn't dare tell her how to do it. I had someone I went to RBC with send me a message on FB after looking at my photos of Josh and not so kindly 'reminded' me that having Josh sleep on the boppy could cause him to smother to death. I chose not to respond. You can imagine how that could have turned out! ;) I imagine she would really freak out had she known he used to sleep WITH us in our bed. Two of her four children require special attention and I don't dare tell her how to manage her household. (and I'll take those alarm thingies! Thanks!)
Why can't women encourage each other in doing what works for them and their family?! It's disappointing.
Okay, I've ranted about this enough. No more blogs about it. ;)
Here's a little something to make up for having to read all that.
I so agree!! And, I am so sorry you did not know about the breastfeeding fair... What a group of ladies to encourage you to breastfeed! Lots of resources!! If you need anything, please feel free to ask. .And, please feel free to tell me to butt out with any unwanted advice I may offer! I am fine w/ you telling me!!
ReplyDeleteYou never made me feel bad about giving Ayden worries. I made myself feel guilty about it once he was born, but I now realize it was not a decision that harmed him in any way. He's healthy, strong, and just gets his nourishment from somewhere else. He and I couldn't have a stronger bond, so everything I felt guilty about depriving him of, all okay. :) My choice was based on my own prudish modesty...seriously, I think I have a complex I knew if I wasn't comfortable with it, neither would he...and you know what, he wasn't. The times I tried it, he was not interested at all... Like I said, it's all a matter of prefernce. With our next child, though, I do believe I will give BFing a more committed try. :) Again, no worries. I am completely confident and supportive of our decision, as should you be. Don't let CFL get inside your head...I can't believe there are women who are so PRO-FORMULA rather than BFing...weird. Eventhough I didn't go that route, I know BFing is the best choice if it's possible. ;)