Sunday, August 16, 2009

Praying....Beach....Praying AT the Beach!

First of all, I'm coveting your prayers for some friends of ours. Joshua's new friend, Savannah, is needing our prayers right now. So are her parents and the rest of their family. You can get more specifics here on her Mama's blog. I'm snuggling my Monster extra tight today. (I know most of the people who read my blog also read hers...but you never know and someone might randomly happen upon my blog and throw up a prayer. And one can never have too much prayer!)

Secondly, I'M GOING TO THE BEACH!!! Woo Hoo! I'm sitting in my parent's living room waiting for my guys to get up so we can get ready for church. We're going to the early service @ PHCC and then Mama has to lead songs during the 2nd service. We'll come back here to pack up the car and then hit the soon as Joshua says we can. He's in charge around here. ;) David has to work tomorrow and Tuesday but will be coming down after work and I can't wait! I LOVE the beach. I love everything about it. Yes, even all that sand! I'm hoping to update throughout the week.

Joshua has been extra sleepy the past few days. I'm not complaining, but it's a little worrying at the same time. I have no idea if it's normal. I'm assuming it is. Thursday night we went to bed at midnight (wasn't fussy...just wouldn't sleep!) and slept until almost 9. He ate, played a little and went back to sleep until 1! He took a little nap in the car around 6 and then was awake from 6:30 to 8:30. I had to wake him up at 7:30 yesterday morning!! I had already pumped a bottle once and was ready for him to eat again (if you ladies know what I mean! ;)) and he had no intentions of waking up any time soon. He ate and was back asleep by 8:30 and slept until 1pm. He was up for the rest of the afternoon. Only slept 30 min on the ride to Roanoke Rapids for dinner. He ate during our dinner and then went to bed at 9 and is still sleeping right now. I'm hoping he'll sleep well on the way to the OBX. It's a 3 hour drive and I don't want a repeat of our drive through PA. EEEEEKK! I have a few bottles ready to go and we can stop if we need to. We can't get in the house until 4 anyway. Sooo, for all you 'experienced' mamas out it normal for him to be sleeping so much?! Is it a growth spurt or something?! He sleeps so much and eats about every 2 hours when he's awake. I guess he has to eat so often to make up for the meals he's missing by sleeping all night. He's been eating every 3-4 hours the past few weeks.

Ok, I'm off to get dressed for church and wake the boys. Keep praying for Savannah!!

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