Monday, January 17, 2011

My heart's desires

 I've written before about how I loved being a SAHM for most of Josh's first year. It was a wonderful and special time for me and I didn't want to get a job outside of our home. But I needed to because our family can't make it month to month on just David's income. He didn't want to ask me to go back to work. I didn't want him to ask me to go back to work. I didn't have a choice in the matter, unfortunately.

I've started reading The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson and she's really laying it on me. I agree with almost all of what she says. That's the sucky part. Like Mrs Clarkson, I believe that God has specific expectations of each member of a family. Specifically, He (according to Clarkson) has designed the Mother to be a teacher, nurturer, comforter, encourager and to do all of that while maintaining the home and those in it. To be honest, she's stepping on my toes a little. I desire to stay home with the Monster but financially, I can't afford to do that (at this time). I wholeheartedly believe that God intends for me to be home with my child(ren). I have no ambition or desire to work outside of the home. No profession sounds super interesting to me except that of being a Mama. I also wholehearted believe that my Lord wouldn't let me desire it so much if it weren't possible and part of His plan for me. That being said.....I will pray for guidance and clear signs that it's time to quit working outside of the home and turn ALL of my attention to my husband, child and home. That doesn't mean I will quit doing my best at my job. It also doesn't mean I won't wish I was at home with my baby instead of an office! :)

Also, like Clarkson, I'm not trying to say that women who desire to work outside of the home are wrong in their thinking or are giving their families less than their best. For me personally, it's hard to divide my time between work and home. I come home tired and not wanting to make dinner or do laundry or play play-doh with Josh. Then I feel guilty for not making Josh (or even David) my highest priority. I don't handle the stress of it all very well. I'm working on it. ;)

I say all of that to say this: On this day, Jan 17, 2011 I will begin asking the Lord for the desires of my heart. I will ask Him to provide a way for me to be able to stay home and make raising our family my job. I will ask Him to make it clear to me when it is the perfect time to do so. I know it probably won't be tomorrow (but I believe it COULD be if He deemed it suitable) so I will wait. I prayed for a baby for 4 years and God provided. He was faithful, just as He promised. He'll be faithful again, just as He's promised!

Please pray with me? Please pray that David and I will make good, well-informed decisions for our family. Please pray that Josh will still feel as loved and cared for as if I were at home with him. Please pray that I will stop feeling guilty for providing for my family financially as well as emotionally and physically. Please pray that we will see God's will and move when He tells us to. And please pray that we (mostly me) will have the patience to wait for the Lord.


  1. I struggle with this too. I have never been able to stay home with my children and this weekend only job is as close I think I'll ever get. I feel like I missed a big part of Madalyn's toddlerhood (she stayed home with Aaron during that time). That being said, I have issues with people who look down on those of us who (have to) work. And serious issues with those who try to impose on us a sense of guilt.

    Even the Proverbs 31 woman "worked". She considers a field...and buys it and out of her earnings she plants a vineyard...her trading is profitable." She may not be sitting in an office working a 9-5 but the point is that she is PROVIDING for her family. (And I realize my situation is different because I am blessed to only work a couple days a week--but still I long to be able to be home with my family on the weekends. It is very miserable not having any time off with the family all together).

    I pray that God gives you peace about "having" to work and that if it is His will that a way if made so you can return to being a SAHM. :)

  2. Lynn,

    I totally feel where you are coming from! I often feel the stress of working, being a wife, a Mom, and then the daily chores like planning meals, cleaning, and laundry. I'm such a morning person and in the evenings I just want to crash. I too feel guilty for not having the time I truly want to spend with Mia. I also feel guilty for sometimes wanting to be successful in my career! I'm the first to graduate college in my family, and have always wanted to provide so much more to my child(ren) than what I had, that being the little things like loving and playing with her, being involved in her life, as well as providing some material things. In being honest that sometimes can be my downfall b/c I try to do to much for her, but then I think she's mine and I have the right to do as much as I want. I THANK GOD everyday for how I turned out and I'm truly blessed...considering the up bringing that I had. I have always wanted to be a wonderful and loving Wife & Mom, provide the nurturing things that I never had. I must admit that I may often put too much on my plate. I've always heard that one of the hardest jobs that you can have is being a parent, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! I LOVE being a Mommy. Sorry for the rambling.

    It's ok to feel the way you do and I pray that you will someday soon be able to do your true desire to be a SAHM! You guys are awesome parents to Joshua and I'm sure that he knows that. He loves his Monster Mommy! Smiles :)

  3. I love this and I completely 100% hear you. Working at MACU is the closest I've ever been to almost SAHM, and like you there is no way right now we could afford to live on just Chris' income.

    I would love to be a full time SAHM, as much as I love my job, it is my desire to be home as well.

    Good for you--and I'm excited to see what God does in your world!

    Love to you and your cute family!
