-- Josh: "Grammy lives in Hamburger."
Me: You mean Gasburg?
Josh: "Oh, right, right, Gasburg. Well, sounds like hamburger.....Gasburger?"
-- Josh: "I never been to space. What it looks like?" Me: I've never been either. Josh: "I think Matt been to space."
-- Josh has gotten into telling stories, especially when we're riding in the car. This is one of his recent ones: "I was walking in the woods and I saw some bad guy rabbits. And I was feeding them some carrots and know what happened?! It made them not bad guys anymore! It changed their hearts and made them good."
-- I was telling Josh about Joshua and the battle of Jericho and midway through the story he exclaimed "Hey! My name is Joshua, too! I never know his name is same as mine. That's crazy!"
-- At the end of my story about Joshua & Jericho I asked if Josh knew what happened when they all blew their horns as the Lord had instructed them to. He answered "The walls of Jericho fell down." "How did you know that?", I asked. He nonchalantly said, "God told me."
-- While having the Hall Family Christmas/Baby Finn baby shower at Doug & Bonnie's last week, Josh was sitting on the couch with Megan. Raja, Chris & Beth's dog, walked by and upon seeing her "rear end" Josh politely instructed Megan: "Mae mae, us don't touch dog holes." She quickly agreed and added that we don't touch ANY holes. :)
-- Josh and I babysat Jackson one day last week and he was such a big help! Jackson was starting to fuss a little and I had to go warm up a bottle and let Sadie back in. I asked Josh to entertain Jackson for 2 minutes while the bottle warmed. as I came back into the room I stopped at the door to watch the boys. Josh was very calm and helped quiet Jackson down. From the door I heard, "Oh oh, where's your passie? Oh, dere it is! Ok. Here you go. Have your passie. There. See? Noooo problem!" :)
-- Josh: "Mama, guess what?! I got married today!"
Me: "You did?! Who did you marry?"
Josh: "My best girl. Her name is Georgia."
(I don't think we know anyone named Georgia so I have no idea where he got that from."

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