Josh and I went to the NC Zoo with Poppa and Grammy at the beginning of the month. It was a zoo!! It was the first day of spring break, the "opening day" for the giraffe deck, dinosaurs, etc and the nicest day of the week, weather wise so all of North Carolina was there! Despite the crowd, we had a good time and got to see almost all of the animals. The giraffes weren't out because it had rained the day before and their exhibit was slippery. They're prone to leg injuries if they slip and fall so they had to stay in. I was very disappointed They're my favorite zoo animal!
The ostriches were out and enjoying the green grass. They're so big and a good example of God's sense of humor. ;)
We stopped by the lion's exhibit and they had just been fed. The female lion came over and took the bone the male lion was gnawing on. He just laid down and pouted.
We went over to the apes from there (If it doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey....) but they were huddled all together on the far side of the exhibit so we couldn't see them very easily. Josh asked a million questions about what they were doing; grooming, chasing, etc. He especially liked the ape sculptures right outside the exhibit.
The lemurs are always fun to watch! They were climbing up and down the rocks and bending those small trees down to munch on the leaves. The one closest to us sat like a human for a while and Josh thought that was funny.
The zoo has two baby gorillas! One was born on Aug 4 (my brother's birthday!) and the other was born on Aug 31st. They. Are. Adorable! I couldn't get a very good photo of either of them (again, the crowd was insane) but they were fun to watch. The one in the first photo is sitting in a water tub with his Mama. He splashed and played while she supervised. She looked bored to death and even propped her head on her arm. Maybe she was catching a catnap. ;)
Before we got to the zoo, I explained to Josh how Mama gorillas carry their babies and then he got to see it live and in person! He thinks it's amazing that the babies don't fall off. Isn't that the most adorable gorilla baby you've ever seen??
We got to visit the Dinosaur exhibit and Josh was really impressed. I wasn't worried about him feeling scared or nervous. He love to pretend but is very matter of fact about most things.
Josh and Grammy pretended to be afraid of the dinosaur. ;)
All of the dinosaurs moved and made noise. This one looked fun.
These were the most real. They hissed and moved. They look so evil!
There was a fossil pit and Josh and Grammy spent a few minutes digging around for bones. Several people around us found shark's teeth, etc.
Josh found a huge bear to climb on. He's crazy.
Mama took some photos with her camera and by the time we got to North America I had put the camera away and forgot to take it back out. Oops. Anyway, we had a great time and Josh was very well behaved the whole day. I was proud of his patience and good listening skills. He's a really good kid.

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