-- I put an ice cube in Josh's pants and he didn't react the way I had expected. He smiled really big and said "Look! I pooped ice cream!"
-- One of Josh's blessings at dinner: "Thank you for God, thank you for Jesus, thank you for our food, thank you for no bad guys get us, thank you for mommy and daddy, thank you for Justin (Thorn, who we had seen earlier that day), thank you amen." Then he followed up with "That was loooong one!"
-- Josh and I went over to visit with the Andersons one evening last week. After putting their dog, Gabe, in the kennel Josh said "I put Gabey in dat candle stick." Apparently he thought Exie was saying candle stick when she explained about the kennel earlier.
-- Josh has really been upset about having to go to the bathroom lately but only when it involves "number 2." I asked him if the was ready for lunch the other day and he said "Yes, I'm hungry, though but when I eat it makes me poop!" I had to explain that it was normal and you were supposed to use the bathroom after you eat. He's still not thrilled about the whole process. ;)
-- While watching Wall-E, Josh saw the scene where Wall-E is putting "treasures" in his cooler while cleaning up. He puts a bra over his eyes and then throws it away when he can't see. Josh laughed so hard and then said "Bras go on our nipples, not our eyes! But not boys nipples, though."
-- I was trying to get Josh to move a little more quickly (he is the slowest child I've ever met!) and said to him "Hurry up, boyfriend!" His reply? "I telled you, I'm Ms Evie's boyfriend!!" (Ms Evie was his teacher before we moved.)
-- Our friend, Will took us to dinner and we were spelling over Josh (to which he accused us of spelling bad words) and I asked Josh "What does i-c-e c-r-e-a-m spell?" He thought a second and said "Football season!"
-- I was teasing David and he said "No comments from you, lady." Josh quickly piped up and said "Hey, dat not lady, dat MY MOMMY!!"

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