Monday, November 19, 2012


-- As Josh and I were driving (probably to Poppa & Grammy's or maybe back home) he said "I'm all alone back here!"

-- Josh was in a "mood" when we visited Poppa & Grammy last time and when Poppa threatened to call Santa it didn't phase Josh at all. Poppa pulled out the big guns and threatened to call Jesus. Josh still wasn't scared and said "No you not. He in Heaven. He don't have a phone!"

-- We Whites love to snuggle. One evening after changing into our comfy clothes and getting all snuggled together Josh posed a very serious question for his Daddy. "Why you have hair in your armpits? I wish I have hair in my armpits...and a mustache, too."

-- We had lunch with Aunt Sissy & Luke last week. Josh got something stuck in his teeth and Brenda asked if he needed help. He told her no and said "I always get stuff stuck in my teef."

-- On the way to spend a week with the Great-Grandparents, Josh and I stopped at Wendy's to get some dinner. While he ate his nuggets he asked "How dey make chicken nuggets? Dem cut up chicken and put new skin on it?"

-- I have a pair of leg warmers that I've been wearing around the house (my family is hot natured and I'm always freezing!). Josh was telling Grandma Hand about them and said "Her love dose crazy leg warmers!"

-- Josh: I heard my phone ding and I answered it and it was Santa Claus.

Me: Oh yea?! What did he say?

Josh: Him say 'Are you bein good listener?'

Me: Oh! And then what did you say?

Josh: I said 'Are YOU bein good listener?!!'

-- I've been working on opposites with Josh and he's really got it down pat. Granddaddy was helping him practice and asked "What's the opposite of full?" Josh answered "Not full!"

-- Josh had taken a late nap and was not ready to settle down when it was time for bed. He was tapping David over and over saying "Skuse me." I suggested he switch it up and say "pardon me." So the next time he tapped he said "Skuse me, part of me...skuse me, part of me."

-- Josh and I learned about herbivores, carnivores, & omnivores. I explained what each meant and he asked what kind of birds we eat. I told him that people eat chickens, quail, dove, turkeys, etc. He asked "Do people eat He Hocks?" After some discussion for clarification and a Google images search, we finally determined that people don't usually eat Peacocks. :)

-- During lunch at Matt & Megan's, Josh asked if it was raining. I told him it wasn't and he said "But I see dose palka dotes on dat window."

-- I told Josh to tell Grammy about those wild animals we heard at Granddaddy & Grandmama's last week. He said "Us was sleepin and heard HooHooties!" (They were coyotes!)

-- After talking about hearing the coyotes, Josh asked Grammy to show him some pictures of coyotes on the computer. All of the pictures came up and Josh saw a pic of a dead one. He asked "What happened to dat one?" Grammy said "I think he's just taking a nap." Josh said "Oh, I thought him was dead." He's a realist!!

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