I am not crafty. I have NO desire to make a scrapbook. It's overwhelming and requires too many materials and too much time. But, SMASH, I can do! I love just about everything about it. There are many different styles of books: mod, simple, eco, baby, bridal, international, etc. The pen/glue stick combo, the adorable tape...you should go read the other blog to get more details and tons of photos. It's so cool.
I was given a Michael's gift card for Christmas (Thanks Ashley!) and went over last night to see if they carried the SMASH brand. They do!! The book came with a pen (I got the Simple Style), tape, a list pad and the stretchy thing that holds it all together. It's fabulous and adorable and I'm writing in it/adding to it as we go along so I don't forget or leave out any details.
I had purchased a huge jar earlier in the week to fill with daily/weekly blessings, good news, etc and planned to read them at the end of the year (we may still do that as we go along) but after seeing the SMASH book I changed direction and decided to make a book for our year. I like the jar idea but it will be more fun to be able to read through the book and see the photos of things we did, funny things Josh said, blessings that we were given, etc. I'm looking forward to filling it up with our happenings for the year.

(Nobody paid me to say all those nice things about the SMASH books, I just felt like saying them.)
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